
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Solar System Formation

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By the Photographs I am trying to explain the formation of solar system .

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Nebular Cloud
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Nebular Hypothesis
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A Gaseous ring with Nabula

Related image
Formation of Several rings

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The rings condense into planets

Formation of Earth

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🔻🔻 I am trying to  Explain you that how Earth actually formed ( by photographs).🔻🔻

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Atmosphere of Earth
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Panthalassa (Huge Ocean)

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Pangaea(Super-continent) surrounding by Panthalass

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Pangaea divided into Gondwana and Laurentia

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Thetys Sea between Gondwana and Laurentia

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Gondwana Continents

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Laurentia Continents (North America ,Greenland and Europe)


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Present day situation of Earth