
Thursday, December 6, 2018

World's largest ocean


The water component of the earth is called Hydrosphere which covers about 70% of the Earth surface. Out of all water on earth, saline water in oceans, fees and silent groundwater makeup about 97% of it. Only 2.5 - 2.75 percent is freshwater including 1. 75–2% frozen in glaciers ice and snow 0.5 –0.75%  is found in groundwater less than 0.01% of it a surface water in lakes and rivers. most of the water on Earth is in oceans. It's divided into five smaller oceans  that are _ Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic Ocean arranged in decreasing order of their size.

 Indian Ocean

  •  Only ocean named after a country and is deeper than Atlantic Ocean.
  •  Indian ocean is bordered by Asia to the North, Antarctica to South, Australia to East and Africa to West.
  •  Third largest body of water in the world.
  •  It contains numerous continental Islands of volcanic origin ( Mauritius, Seychelles,  Andaman and Nicobar). Lakshadweep and Maldives Aarav Coral origin.
  •  The Indian oceans deepest point is the Sunda deep which located in the JAVA Trench (Indonesia).
  •  The Indian Ocean is known as the warmest ocean in the world and has lowest oxygen contain in the world.
  •  The Persian Gulf, Red Sea and Arabian Sea are the most pollution prone area in the Indian Ocean.
  •  Several rivers like Indus, Ganga, Narmada, Brahmaputra, Zambezi, Jubba and Irrawaddy  rivers flow into Indian Ocean.

 Pacific Ocean

  •   It is the largest and deepest ocean of the world.
  •  Magellan  give the ocean its name "Mar Pacifio" that is   the Peaceful sea.
  •  Borders for countries North America, South America, Australia and Asia. 
  •  The ocean is split into two parts that are divided by the equator.
  •  The deepest trench of the ocean and world is Mariana Trench.
  •  The Pacific "Ring of Fire" is the world's biggest chain of volcanoes.
  •  The Pacific Ocean is connected to Arctic Ocean by bering Strait.

 Arctic Ocean

  •  The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and the shallowest of the world's five Ocean but has    widest Continental shaft among them all.
  •  Continents that border the architect including Europe, Asia and North America.
  •  The Arctic contains less salt then other 4 Ocean due to its low evaporation rates and   the large amount of freshwater that is contributed to the ocean by rivers and streams.
  •  Phytoplankton are the only plant type that live in Arctic Ocean.
  •  There are lots of Petroleum reserves under the Arctic Ocean. 
  •  Huge part of Arctic Ocean is covered by sea ice. 
  •  All of the Arctic Ocean is located within the Arctic Circle. north pole lies in the middle.   of the Arctic Ocean. 

 Atlantic Ocean

  •  It is the second largest ocean in the world and has longest coastal line.
  •  It is a life giver ocean has been a source of food.
  •  Greenland is the largest island in the Atlantic Ocean.
  •  Bermuda triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean.
  •  Atlantic Ocean is the world's saltiest sea and has abundant number of natural petroleum deposit and gas fields.
  •  There are four trenches in Atlantic beyond the ocean's depth: Puerto Rico trench, the laurentian abyss,Romanche trench and South sandwich trench. 
  • Sargasso sea ( sea without a shore) is located completely withen the Atlantic. 
  •  The highest tide in the world are experienced in Atlantic Ocean near the bay of fundy in Canada.
  •  Cuba,Jamaica and Puerto Rice  are volcanic Island. Iceland is the largest island of the volcanic origin. 

 Southern ocean

  •  The southern Ocean is located in the southern hemisphere and 4th largest ocean. 
  •  Its deepest point is the South sandwich Trench.
  •  It's a temperature range from -2 degree to 10 degree centigrade.
  •  Icebergs can be found in the southern Ocean during any season.
  •  The circumpolar currents of the southern Ocean flow clockwise from west to east.