
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Plate Tectonic

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Plate tectonic theory

The concept of plate tectonic has make established   ground in explaining many important problem of physical geology including mountain building, folding, faulting, seismicity, volcanism etc. The  theory of plate tectonic developed by Geo scientist during 1960s is described as a most revolutionary concept in the history of geology. The term plate was first used by J.T. Wilson in  1965  and result of continental drift theory of Wegener.  according to this concept the rigid lithospheric slabs or block and solid crystal plates are  called plate. The whole mechanism of evolution, nature and the motion of plates is known as plate tectonics. The rigid lithosphere is capable to moving bodily over the Asthenosphere( hot-plastic flexible layer of upper Mantle). There are  six major  and  20  minor plates  have been identified .About twelve of these plates have been so far distinguish and the name of twelve major and minor lithospheric plates under focus to study of Geoscientist e.g.

  • The Pacific plate,
  • The North American plate,
  • The South American plate,
  • The African plate,
  • The Antarctic plate,
  • The Indian Australian plate the European plate,
  • The Arabian plate,
  • The nazea plate,
  • The Caribbean plate,
  • The scotia plate and
  • The Philippines plate.
 Image result for Plate tectonics

  Plate tectonic theory is based in two major concepts
 (a)  The concept of continental drift   and
 (b) Concept of sea-floor-spreading.
The main ideas underline the theory of plate tectonics are the out-come to the   study   of the structure of the ocean-floor and the formation of young oceanic-crust in  mid oceanic ridge.  

 Chemical composition of interior

Related image

Inner part        Fe, Ni
Outer part       Fe, Ni + silica
Mental.           Olivine                                                       
Oceans.           Basalt
Mental.           Granite and Andesite 

Location of the rock
Reaction (if we melting)

Highly heaviest fluid
Oceanic crust 

Less heavier fluid
Contcrustal crust

Less mobile light fluid
Continental crust
Least mobile lightest fluid


 Movement  of  Plates


 Divergent boundaries
 Convergent boundaries
Transform boundaries
Similar Names

Constructive plate margin or accreting plate margin 

Destructive plate margin  or consuming plate margin

Shear plate margin or conservative plate margin


Ascending Limb of convection current beneath the earth's crust

Descending Limb of convection current beneath the earth's crust

Horizontal movement of convection current beneath the earth's crust


Two plates are in the motion away from each other

Two plates are in the motion towards each other

Two plates are slide apart each other


Mid -oceanic -ridge, rift valley, shallow focus earthquakes and volcanic eruption 

Mountains formation and major earthquakes

Fault create and shallow focus earthquakes with horizontal slips


North America plate Vs  Eurasian plate 

Indian plate and Tibetan plate 

San-Andres Fault