
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mountain Building Processes part 2

for  Mountain Building Processes facts plz go on this URL


Mountain Building Processes

On the basis of origin

Divided into two parts
  1.  Tectonic mountain  
  2.  Circum-erosional or relict mountain

1Tectonic mountain

Active force:    Endogenic force, compressive and tensile force
Type:   4 types
a)     Folded mountain
Force:   compressive foods
·        Young fold mountain
·        Mature fold mountain ( monoclonal ridge + Valley )
·        Old fold mountain
 Fold mountain category:
 Two categories
Simple:   anticline and syncline formation and wave like structure
Complex:    Complex structure formed by recumbent fold and known as Nappe
Age:    Tertiary period
Occurrence:    Margin of Continent facing Ocean
Examples:    Rockies Mountain and Andes Mountain
b)   Block Mountain
 Force:  Tensile force
Type:   two basic types
Tilted Block Mountain
 Lifted Block Mountain
 Formation:   When side block of two faults move download where the middle block remains stable.
Occurrence:   High plateau or broad domes
 Associated with:   Rift Valley
 Examples:   Sierra Narada Mountains of California USA is considered to be the most extensive Block Mountains.

c)     Dome mountains
 Domes Mountain is originated by magnetic intrusion and upward movement of Crystal surface example normal domes salt domes Lava domes.
d)    Mountain of accumulation
 Its formed due to accumulation of volcanic material .these are also called volcanic mountains .Different type of volcanic cones under this category.

2)     Circum-erosional or relict mountain

Examples vindhyanchal range Aravali, Satpura, Eastern Ghat ,Western Ghat, (all from India).

Soil part 1

 Image result for soil

Soil may be defined in the several ways. soil is a natural body that exist as a part of Padosphere. Soil is considered to be skin of the earth  with interface between Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere of the earth.Soil is a loose material which support the growth of plants. Soil is a combination of organism water and Minerals.

 Soil science has two basic branches of study e.g
 Pedology( Pedology focused on the formation, morphology and   classification of soil in their natural environment )
 Edephology( Edephology   is concerned with influence of soil on organism )
 Pathologist to use the following genetic functional relationship for understanding soil formation
S = f(   cl, o, r, p, t )
 S = Soil properties
 cl = Regional climate
 o = Topography
 p = Parents material
 T = Time

 Formation of soil
 The formation of soil is it based on five major factors that influence soil formation ----

ü Parents Material
ü Climate
ü Living Organism
ü Topography
ü  Time

 Soil Profil

Vertical and Horizontal movement of the material in a soil system the are called a soil profile. The layers are called zone or soil Horizons. The development of soil from inorganic and organic material is complex process.  the have identified a number of Layer or horizon within the soil.  These layers unchanged parents material is called the soil profile. A soil profile shows some Horizon layer or horizon within the soil.  These layers unchanged parents material is called the soil profile. A soil profile shows some Horizon

O Horizon

Consist entirely of plant little and other organic matter. Color of this Horizon often dark brown or black

A horizon

Highly concentrated organic material.This horizon is composed of both mineral and organic material ,often light black to Brown

E Horizon

Zone of leaching(A+E horizons combined ), a light colored layer that is leached of iron-bearing components. Less organic material then O and A horizon.

B horizon

Zone of accumulation, rich in iron oxide, silica and carbonate minerals

K Horizon

Carbonate completely fills the pore spaces in k Horizon, rich in calcium carbonate

C horizon

Composed of partially altered parents material,  red color with iron oxide.

Properties of Soil