
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Basic Information about India

 Physical Introduction

Image result for physical india

Latitudinal extent

 8°4' North to 37°6' North
Longitudinal extent   

 68°7' East to 97°25' East
 North - South  extent
  3214 km
 East - West  extent
2933 km
 Total coastline
 7516 km

 No. of  States

 No. of Union Territories

 Land Neighbors
 7(India, Afghanistan,  China, Nepal,  Bhutan,  Bangladesh, and Myanmar)
 State with longest coastline

 Active volcano
Barren Island in Andaman and Nicobar Island
 Passing  area  of Tropical of Cancer
 8( Gujarat,  Rajas than,  M. P.,Chhattisgarh,  Jharkhand, West Bengal Tripura, Mizoram)

Indian Standerd Time

5 hours and 30 minutes ( Greenwich Mean time)

 Time lag
 2 hours between the Eastern and western parts

 82 1/2 °E longitude passing
 Naini, near Allahabad.

Image result for physical india Image result for physical india
Physical Information

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