
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Yellowstone Park

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Yellowstone National Park  was the first national park in the U.S. and is also widely held to be the first national park in the world. 
The park is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful geyser, one of its most popular features. It has many types of ecosystems, but the sub-alpine forest is the most abundant. It is part of the South Central Rockies forests.
If you want to more interested about Yellowstone National park so
 you can search the whole description  through this link

Location  : Yellowstone National Park  is an American national park located     
in WyomingMontana, and Idaho.

Range :    An area of 3,468.4 square miles (8,983 km2)

Natural structure  :   Comprising lakes, canyons, rivers and mountain ranges.
Yellowstone Lake is one of the largest high-elevation lakes in North America
 and Half of the world's geysers hydro thermal features are in Yellowstone,

 Image result for yellowstone national park geysers
Image result for yellowstone national park lake                              Lake 
Image result for yellowstone national park canyonCanyon
Image result for yellowstone national park mountain ranges 
 Mountain Range

Geology Columnar basalt near Tower Falls; large floods of basalt and other lava types preceded mega-eruptions of super heated ash and pumice.
After the eruption  of earth  during Pliocene (2.1 million years ago), Yellowstone became a volcano. A combination of forming events like flowing lava, pyroclastic flows, volcanic eruptions, caldera  and earthquakes would changing the Yellowstone landscape.

 NOAA Ocean Explorer: Submarine Ring of Fire 2002: Explorer Ridge

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