
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Soil part 2

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Type of soils
 Classified on the basis of formation and texture

 Residual Soil:    It’s formed at the same place where it is formed. It's show clear connection with parents’ rock and some composition of bedrock. It formed by weathering of bedrock beneath it.

 Cumulose Soil:    it's an organic type of soil. It is formed by accumulation of organic material.

Eluvial Soil: It formed at the base of Steep Mountain and hills by gravity. It's stony in nature and supported very little vegetation.

Aeoline Soil:   it's little fertile and wind transported soils.

 Lacustrine Soil:   It formed in lake. The River and the Glacier sediments collect in Lake basin informed soil at the later stage when Lake dried, Lacustrine soil formed.  It's very little fertile.
Volcanic Soil:    It formed by pyroclastic material and lava eruption during volcanic eruption. It's very fertile.

 Second type
Classified on the basis of texture

 Sandy Clay:    It contains abundance of sand particle and have little clay. Its not support the vegetation. 

 Loamy Soil it contain equal portion of clay and sand it suitable for agriculture.

 Clayey Clay:    The Clay percentage is more than send. It has very high water containing capacity and very suitable for agriculture.

Black Soil:     It formed from the composition of basalt and other type of basic rocks. It has high percentage of oxide of aluminum calcium and magnesium. It's very suitable for cotton plants.

 Peatly:   It contain very little clay but mostly decomposed product of vegetables matter it good for crops.

 Lateritic Soil:   When clay mineral mixed with iron and Aluminum oxide are called lateritic soil. It’s brown in color. It has very little value for agriculture. 

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